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For a wide range of applications we offer closures - oval and round - in standard types and sizes. In case of individual closure problems we are prepared to look for suitable solutions for you.

For pressure vessels, steam boilers, vacuum equipments and also for pressureless vessels we recommend our:

  • oval hand-, head- and manhole closures
    ranging from OAB 51 80/120 to 350/450 mm inside
  • round/oval tube closures
    according DIN 2909 and DIN 2908 respectively
  • oval dished or flat covers
    with or without swivelling device for heads with flued - in openings
  • oval tank closures
    OAB 55 300/400 to 400/500 mm ins. with or without swivelling device
  • round handhole quick-action closures
    DN 100 to 200 PN 6
  • round hinged closures
    DN 450 F PN 2 to PN 10
  • round manhole "domes"
    DN 400 to 600 PN 10
  • closures DIN 28124 and DIN 28125
    with or without swivelling device, also with inspection glass
  • closures DIN 28126
  • domed closures for rectangle tanks acc.
    RAL-RG 616, DN 500 and 600
  • domed closures DN 500 to 600 (type W)
  • domed closures DN 300 to 800 (type T)
    with lever, swing bolts, swivelling hinge, or rigid bolts
  • seamless round or oval manhole rings


Note: More dimensions and forms available on request.


(AEO - Authorised Economic Operator) Zugelassener Wirtschaftsbeteiligter

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